I skrivelsen till GUI Congyou, Kinas ambassadör i Sverige, skriver Camilla Bergvall, förbundsordförande för Djurens Rätt:
“I write on behalf of Djurens Rätt, the largest animal protection organisation in Sweden, founded in 1882 and representing 50 000 members concerned about animal well-being, both in Sweden and globally. We wrote to you, Sir, in April regarding our concern of the so called “wet markets” in China.
Since then, over 19 845 Swedish citizens signed our petition, who is asking the People’s Republic of China to stop these markets. Both of concern for the animals in the markets, and for concern about human health. Keeping live animals in markets is not suitable for the animals, but it also appears to nourish disease that risk dispersing to humans."
Skrivelsen avslutas med:
“Djurens Rätt, together with the huge dedication from our members and the 19 845 citizens who signed the petition, now want to ask for a more lasting ban that prohibits selling all live animals at “wet markets”. It would signal that China is taking a leading role in the international struggle to end animal abuse and stem future outbreaks of viruses.
We plea to Your Excellency Ambassador to raise this concern with the appropriate Chinese authorities to bring an immediate end to the animal suffering and disease risks at markets in China.”
Djurens Rätt fortsätter arbetet med att informera om kopplingen mellan djurindustrier och globala pandemier genom kampanjen Stop Pandemics.
Bristande djurhållning och risker för smittspridning har en stark koppling som belysts under våren med anledning av coronapandemin. Vilka smittrisker finns det i Sverige? Hur drabbar det djuren och i förlängningen människor? Välkommen till ett spännande och högaktuellt webbinarium den 8 september. Med EU-parlamentarikern Malin Björk (V) tar vi också ett grepp om vad EU kan göra och hur framtiden skulle kunna se ut. Läs mer och anmäl dig här